
Uluru Festival launch

Media Release: 23 April 2022 Traditional Owners of Uluru are, today, launching the Uluru Festival, a new cultural festival likely to become a major event on the international calendar. “Kuwarila pukularinyi …

Uluru Festival launch

21 April 2022: Today, we announce the launch of what is likely to become one of the major events in Australia’s national calendar: the Uluru Festival.

COVID health videos launch

As part of the Foundation’s core work, its media arm Anangu Media this week launched the first three in a series of health videos tailored for local, Aboriginal audiences

Uluru Foundation established

Under the auspices of Maruku (Anangu Uwankaraku Punu Aboriginal Corporation), and based in the Mutitjulu Community at the foot of Uluru, the Uluru Foundation has now been established, as a locally based, Aboriginal-owned Foundation, to raise and distribute funds to share, protect and strengthen Aboriginal culture at Uluru and beyond.

Markup: Image Alignment

Welcome to image alignment! The best way to demonstrate the ebb and flow of the various image positioning options is to nestle them snuggly among an ocean of words. Grab …